3 Beginner's Gardening Tips To Keep Your Plants Happy

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Spring is here as of Mach 20th and we are feeling this weather. Maaaaybe not the allergies that come with it, but still, it is getting gorgeous out there! Friend, if you’re anything like me you love to love plants! I have learned so much in the past year about how to care for them in a simple yet consistent way!

This Miracle-Grow singles, food for plants is something I just started to do with mine so I can’t really speak to it’s effectiveness, however, I’m looking forward to seeing it work! Let make know your thoughts on a comment down below? Do you like them?

Having the right home for your plants is super important! We got these two Veradek black outdoor planters: one large and medium from The Home Depot, They are a great fit if you love something that is sturdy but not super heavy like a big ceramic pot can be. These look luxurious and hefty but they are relatively light! These are great porch or backyard planters because they are deep enough to hold even a little tree! I am super excited to get to see your plants thrive and a part of that is picking what home your plant will live in. I even think the price is super reasonable!


3 Beginner's Gardening Tips To Keep Your Plants Happy

1.- Build a relationship and get to know your plants!

Pray, talk and sing to your plants! Have a relationship with them I sound like a crazy lady talking to my plants but they love it and so do I. It brings me so much joy to care for them! Just as in any other relationship you want to flourish: get to know your plant. Make sure you research, read or watch YouTube videos about your plants so you can get to know them better and therefore care for them in a more efficient way!

2.- A little water meter goes a long way

A water meter goes a LOOOOOOONG way! I feel like I have a little magic wand that gives me insight into my plant’s water needs. I promise you, you’ll love having this little guy as well, my friend Abigail shared this with me and my plants can’t thank her enough!

It minimizes the stress from when to water your plant! I like to check on mine every other day in the Spring and every day in the Summer they are more thirsty as the sun is out!

In the winter some are only thirsty every week. So it absolutely varies! It also doesn’t hurt to have an adorable little gold watering can to inspire you to do it!

3.- Place rocks at the bottom of the soil to prevent root rot

Make sure you put rocks at the bottom of your pots when you bring your plants home. Especially bigger ones. This will help your plant not sit in water which can cause root rot. I love taking the plants out when I bring them home and giving them a little “bottom massage” and transplant them to new soil so they get a fresh start. I don’t do this will all but it’s been a big change when I do, especially having the rocks at the bottom of big plants.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go get some green friends for your home. I bet gardening can be a beautiful new hobby for you that brings you joy, a little workout, and gets you thinking about other things than all the problems this world has to offer. We do live in challenging times, but we can make space for really good things in our lives as well. It’s our choice what we put our attention to. And if you already have some plants: give them an upgraded care routine that will make them thrive this Spring!

That’s all for today my beloved friend! Thank you for reading and I pray for you and for the lives and victory of all you plant this Spring!


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