3 Simple Tips To Refreshen You Kitchen This Winter

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3 Simple Tips To Refreshen You Kitchen This Winter

*c/o Thank you to The Home Depot and Garden Of Flavor for the press products to keep and share with our tribe!

1.-STOP AND THINK: Take notice at what isn’t serving you and your needs at this specific moment. Look for “pain points” in your routine in the kitchen and make a list of them. Think about what would solve those. Do you need a different appliance? Do you need to get organized? For us, it was changing a few of our appliances that needed to happen for the efficiency to go up in our kitchen time. We had to replace our toaster and we did so with the help of The Home Depot: we got an air-frying toaster over that can toast 4 slices of bread at once! And still has the capability to air fry. I thought about the needs of our family and decided a 2 slot toaster just wasn’t enough for this season of life. 

2..-MAKE A LIST: Clean your kitchen and organize what you have. While you’re throwing things out or setting aside to donate, make sure you write a list of all the items you need to replace so you’re not overwhelmed at the store or shopping online., you’ll know exactly what you need to replace. We also replaced our kitchen scale from an old one to a nice digital, good looking one from The Home Depot. It is going to be a great day when I make my world-famous cheesecake in this house with the help of our new and improved food scale.

3.- Keep things looking organized and beautiful and keep wholesome foods in your fridge and pantry! Having an organized and greatly stocked fridge of great healthy choices is at the top of my list, especially since I am really looking to preserve our health this season. I love these Garden Of Flavor drinks that provide an easy grab and go option for us full of good things for our bodies. But in the same token, they look so pretty lined up in a neat row in my fridge. I think if my space looks great I feel great and more inclined to eat healthily. what I keep in our fridge and pantry is super important to me. I like keeping things that are healing and wholesome choices and then we go and get “fun” food once in a while. But we eat what we have in the house so we try to mostly keep items that are “growing food”. We are not perfect and are a huge work in progress so it’s not always like that, however, I know myself and my family and what motivates us most is to have an organized space where we know where things are and we are stocked up with great food and drinks to support our health and lifestyle!

I pray you know you are worth taking care of! And even if you “fall of the wagon” you can always get back on right after you fail. It’s not big things that make a huge difference but the tinny moments and little habits and choices that we choose everyday that amount to BIG impact in our lives! I believe in you, beloved friend, and I know the most lovely part of yourself does too!

Those are my tips for a kitchen refresh!

I hope you have fun refreshing your kitchen space! Let me know something you can’t live without in your kitchen I’d love to know!


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