Libier Reynolds

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5 Tips To Ease The Stress Off Holiday Entertaining

c/o Z Gallerie Thank you for your continued partnership! I am so grateful to be able to decorate with your Christmas Dinnerware!



These Holiday Dishes are such a fun way to give cheer to your party! And these Holiday placemats are wonderful because they give just enough sazz to a table now but also become functional the rest of the year as well!



5 Tips To Ease The Stress Off Holiday Entertaining

There is nothing better than having “some” of your life together during The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Let’s be honest, it could ALSO become the most stressssssfullllllll time of the year! Am’I riiiight? There’s nothing better than taking the reigns of YOUR celebration and maybeee putting a little extra work in these next weeks to then be able to really celebrate and be present for the moments that DO make this season one of the best. These tips have helped me ease the stress from my Holiday Seasons and I pray they serve you as much as they have me! Especially if you’re entertaining and hosting some partays!

Here are my tips to help ease the stress off your Holiday, honey!

  1. MINDSET. Why do you want to host or entertain? Ask yourself why it is you’re having people over, anyway. If you host from your worth rather than for it; it will bring you joy to set a space for people to gather and you won’t be needing their “praises or opinions “ to lift your spirits. You’ll be hosting from your worth so you’ll KNOW that what you are offering is ENOUGH. You are enough. Your home is enough. What you serve is enough. Even the mistakes and the faux pas that will INEVITABLY happen will be enough. I believe we put so much pressure on ourselves to impress others that it ends up sucking the JOY right out of the occasions these gatherings are meant to be for!

    If you’re feeling pressure, maybe you can say NO to hosting or entertaining this year. I believe that we don’t say enough NO in our lives and we end up saying yes when what we really mean is the opposite. And unfortunately, even when your words say yes; your attitude, vibes, and heart will rat you out. Yes, beloved friend, you can’t fake the funk so just be honest with yourself and others about where you’re at this year. If this has been a tough season and you need to reset and rest. Do that! If you’re excited about having people in your home, do that! My favorite thing in the world is to be honest FIRST with myself and then with others about my needs and wants. I believe the more I practice my NO being a NO and YES being a YES, I build an incredible reputation and relationship with myself and those around me. So check your mindset of why you are in a position to host and entertain in the first place. You’ve got what it takes to make the best choice for you and your tribe this year.

  2. LIST ARE OUR FRIENDS: Make a list of all that you need to get done. Lists are always my best friend, but especially this time of year. I use my phone or my bullet journal to keep track of all that I must get done. That way it’s out of my head and onto somewhere less overwhelming. It’s simple and you might not need to be reminded to make a list. But I’m reminding you to make a list. Trust me. It’s so helpful. Once it’s out of your headspace it’s onto a more practical space where you can see the tasks at hand and tackle one thing at a time! And if you’re anything like me, crossing off your to-do list might give you crazy joy!

  3. PICK A COLOR THEME: This is where my friends at Z. Gallerie have my heart! They offer amazing pieces for Holiday decorations that have that “showstopper” feeling to them. If you’re Holiday Entertaining, look no further as they have amazing options for your table! I thought about my vision for my Christmas table decorations and I knew that my color theme was going to be an Icy Gray, I ran (well, drove to the Fountains in Roseville location) to see my friends at the Z. Gallerie. I gathered a bunch of different textures with the gray color and I ended up LOVING this Holiday Table Look we created. I LOVE going to them for timeless Holiday Pieces in my color theme that will transcend the test of time! So pick a direction of color before you try to go shopping for the things you might need to build your table! But even better, if you like my look the post is easily shoppable! I hope this helps you do one less thing this season! Thank you to the Z Gallerie for allowing me to shop your store and pick my favorite Holiday Decor items! I am so grateful! These options also serve as an amazing Christmas Gift for anyone into being a great hostess!

  4. DETAILS MATTER: Something I’ve always have felt and know to be true is; details matter. When I experience something amazing, like someone’s amazing outfit, a great experience at a hotel, a delightful showroom, a great party or anything else for that matter that makes me delighted, I always notice it’s all in the details! Tinny details make a BIG impact. You don’t have to fret about them but I do believe when we create not for approval, we have a much more playful way that gives room for creativity and excellence to reflect God’s glory in all we do! When you are hosting from your worth, no one to impress; you can play and ENJOY the decoration process of hosting and entertaining so much more. It’s freedom I had never known before but wish it for everyone who is still feeling like a prisoner to other people’s opinions! It’s so fun to operate and create from freedom! So put some nice little touches to your Holiday Party. You going above and beyond will make a difference not just for you but for your guests as well! You can do this at whatever means you have available to you.

  5. BE PRESENT AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST: Nothing is worse than preparing so much for other people that you forget to do your own makeup, or take a shower, or shave your pits, or eat yourself, the dinner that took you a week and ten days to make. So my beloved, friend. Make yourself a priority care for your self. Put yourself first even if you need to wake up a little earlier, make it a habit of starting with your cup being full by YOU. No one can do it for you. Eat. Shower. Shave your things. Make it happen. YOU can do this and you can enjoy time to yourself. You also can pray that God gives you the power to be present so you won’t be stuck in the past in depressing scenarios you’ve already dealt with or anxious about a future that hasn’t come yet. Ask God to help you be present and in the moment. God is giving you all that you need right now!


I love you and I’m so happy you stopped by today. I pray that you’d have an amazing Thanksgiving and I want you to know how grateful I am for you! I’m rooting for you and I believe that you can have this season be The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, because you’re focused on what truly matters. Which is my book is God! In God’s sight, you are so lovely. You are enough. You are somebody to HIM! You have a purpose IN him. You belong to HIM and no matter what anyone says about you what God KNOWS about you is the truth. He sees you clothed in white because of his son’s sacrifice for you, nothing tarnishing his love for you EVER. To God, you are his little girl he is crazy about. He wants you, loves you, and in his wings you are safe.