5 Books That Will Change Your Life

5 Books That Will Change Your Life

Reading is one of those things in life that you don’t think will “really” make a big impact when you’re doing it and then after you consume a good amount of good content books you can see the evidence of their fruit in your life! It’s those little seeds of knowlege that get deposited even if you only read for 10-20 minutes per day! If you’re not a reader let me try to steer you into becoming a book lover and if you are a reader let me point you to some of the books that have profoundly changed my life. I pray and hope they help you as much they have me!


Atomic Habits will help you find ways to systemize your life and give yourself hacks to up your efficiency and productivity by helping you discover what is truly going to be a strong motivator to changing your bad habits to ones that will be good for your life. It is a treasure of a book that delights at every page and gives you the upper hand with your life because it helps you to believe that you truly have agency to cultivate the life you want!

I learned so much from this book and because of it I have been able to systemize my life so that I am at my best production, even on some of the hardest days of my life through losing my dad to brain cancer the grief has been no small feat, but because I’ve been able to use the skills learned from this book I’ve found a way to build routines for my everyday life that make me feel power and routine and therefore I feel secure! I would suggest this book if you’re struggling with bad habits you’d like to break but haven’t had the push to do so!


This is a book that came at the PERFECT TIME. I feel so grateful that I read The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry at a time when I needed true rest! This really shook me to the core about my life and the priorities of it. It helped me cut out so much from my life that was all fluff and made me distracted. It gave me the final push to delete my Instagram and Facebook accounts and I have never felt more free and happy in a long time than when I’ve stopped the mindless, endless, envious scrolling on social media. I think this is a book for you if you’re feeling rushed and burnt out. It’s a MUST-READ, but if you’re feeling overwhelmed and just like you can’t slow down and truly enjoy your life. This is the best book to help you see your life at a different speed and perception!


This is the first book I wrote. It changed my life writing it and I believe, God through my story, has the power to help people going through a wilderness journey in their lives. I wrote this after a year of PTSD and extreme emotional healing from so many traumatic events in my past. It was a way for me to heal from all that I had been through. Writing it out made me feel super vulnerable. Like I was choosing to share my SHAME REEL. But in telling my story to myself and you, I became free from the grips of fear and condemnation.

This is a read for adults who are feeling down in the dumps of depression and hopelessness because that’s where God ripped me out of and into a NEW LIFE! I pray this book helps you on your journey to becoming free!


This book is such a lovely story of a full circle moment of the soul! It’s a tale that leaves you inspired to journey on your own for the sake of finding clarity and purpose. It’s a quick read that will motivate and encourage you to think differently and ask yourself some big life questions. I loved reading this at the beginning of my blogging career it definitely propelled me to GO ON MY JOURNEY but for different reasons than I used to crave success for. it’s a book that will delight you and have you crying at the same time! A fantastic read if you’re feeling unmotivated and stale with your life.


This book is one I wrote! My second published book and I know that it’s transformed my life by writing it. My only hope is that it will help you or your daughter as much as I have prayed for it to!

It is a Christian devotional and bible study for your daughter’s journey of puberty; to deepen her faith + find confidence within herself!

This teen book will help her discover + develop an invisible tool! Her “inner wing” power; Through Bible study, prayers, affirmations + activities to develop a sense of freedom, wholeness, + a feeling of belonging inside herself EXACTLY where she is! Our biggest hope is she’d develop a Best Friend Forever relationship with herself + Jesus that will help her change the script of how she thinks + speaks about herself for the rest of her life.

Love is a powerful thing and the unconditional love of God toward your daughter is enough to make her feel enough even through the tough changes she is facing right now! She will learn that she is free to grow into the beautiful woman God created her to be and that it’s okay to be a work in progress.


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