Libier Reynolds

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Mustard Yellow & Navy Blue | My Book Is Launching 3.25.18!

FRIENDS!!!!! I don't have words. Really. I don't, because I wrote them all, in a BOOK!!! HAHAHAHA! 

The Paperback is available on 3.25.18 for $11.11 on Amazon for a limited time!

A Kindle e-book avail for pre-order now at $4.99 for a limited time also avail on 3.25.18! 


Do you understand what that means for you and me? ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE WITH GOD! Not just for me, for you and me! God is no respecter of people and I am nothing "special" that is more than anyone else. I don't have extra talent, I don't have extra anything. I struggle with feeling fear and doubt and most days I don't even know if I'm doing enough. I have to re-align myself with my maker to not struggle with old habits on the daily! I have bad days when I lose my self-control at my family and yell at them and become rude. I am a human! An ordinary girl who just said yes to an adventure with BIG PAPA and here we are! However, God is legit and he won't quit on Nyou or me! What he has done for me he can do for you in your own special way because the world doesn't need any more of me they need you to be all of you! If I can accomplish the goal of sitting down and writing an entire book and having it be a finished product. let me tell you there is a God out there who is miraculous!! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! ALL the glory be to him for my accomplishment is surely for his glory and not my own! I am celebrating myself and screaming and spontaneously combusting into tears no and again because I am in awe of the transformation that has taken place in me. I AM IN AWE OF GOD. Because he is bigger,  more magnificent, more intentional and miraculous and loving than I could have ever imagined! 

I am a confident woman who is sure of herself because I know where my confidence comes from, you know what I'm sayin'? My confidence is in the unshakable, unconditional love of Christ whom can never be taken from me! I am so excited that I get to share with you my journey to freedom and it is my hope and prayer that my story will transform the lives of those who are still in pain and don't see hope for their lives! It is my hope that it will speak to kids who don't know how to process the pain of their past and are stuck in self-harm and addiction. It is my hope that with my broken story people will begin to see mental illness as compassionately as they see Cancer. It is my hope an prayer that anyone who is bound to anything toxic will walk in freedom with the brokenness that I've been able to overcome and still to this day get to choose to overcome! I love you so much and I truly hope that you feel encouraged by my success to know that anything is possible! Not easy. I didn't say easy or even sometimes enjoyable. ha! But possible yes! I wouldn't trade my life for the world. I feel like I'm LIVING my life. If I die today, I know that I did everything and anything within me that was possible to leave a legacy that would impact the people around me in a positive way! 

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