Libier Reynolds

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10 Fitness Hacks To Keep You On Track | Cute Workout Gear

c/o ATHLETA Triumph Hoodie

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Hello my beloved friend, are you struggling to stay motivated with your fitness journey? Look no further! Our blog is here to provide you with the ultimate guide to maintaining your workout routine. Discover effective fitness hacks that will keep you motivated and help you achieve your goals. Additionally, find inspiration in cute workout outfits that will make you feel confident and stylish during your workouts. Say goodbye to excuses and hello to a healthier, fitter you!

(Thank you ATHLETA for gifting these items for us to share!)

In my almost 40 years of living, I have never regretted a workout. NO matter how small it was. One time I drove to the gym. Did a couple of bicep curls. Yes, I do mean 2. And then left the gym. Let me tell you why that was probably one of my favorite most memorable workouts. Because that day was a tough day where I felt so discouraged and I felt like giving up on my fitness journey. I hadn’t been “seeing any results” and wanted to quit it all and eat a thousand Twinkies and I don’t even like Twinkies!

But I didn’t quit. Instead, I drove myself to the gym and I said, even if you can only be here for a couple of minutes that is STILL PROGRESS. And I celebrated that day that I didn’t give up. The next time I made it to the gym I had a SUPER amazing workout that was polar opposite to my two-minute one the day prior.

My hope with this post is to encourage you to JUST KEEP GOING, to not stop no matter what you see on the scale. I actually made a commitment to myself that I would not go on scale anymore. That I would mark my progress in a different way. By celebrating the PROCESS and tracking the habit of moving my body each day, the way it needs to be moved. Some days are a running kind of day. Others a HIIT workout day. On others, a five-minute walk will do!


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THEN our progress can be tracked by how often we get up and get moving, something that is totally within our control! And that’s been a lot more motivating to me than a number on a scale!

I pray that you’d fall in love with moving your body as a reward for loving and respecting YOU. Not to punish yourself for not looking a certain way or the way you ate this weekend. I pray and desire that you’d find absolute FREEDOM from any chains of being too harsh on yourself with exercise or food. My hope and prayer is that you’ll come to a place of compassion and grace. Of consistency but flexibility.

Progress is always better than perfection

10 Fitness Hacks To Keep You On Track

1. Establish a Strong WHY: If you find out why it is important for you to move your body in a compelling reason that is BEYOND your physical appearance, you will be MORE apt to keeping the commitment of moving.
2. Mix it Up: Avoid boredom by incorporating a variety of exercises into your fitness routine. Try different activities like yoga, Pilates, swimming, or cycling to engage different muscles and keep your workouts interesting and enjoyable.
3. GIve Yourself Grace: Feeling like you’re stuck in a perfectionism attitude or an ALL OR NOTHING mentality will derail you from finding the 5-minute workout just as important as the hour-long walk!

4. Track Progress Diffrently: Find a way to celebrate the action of you doing something to move your body rather than a number on the scale .

5. Find a Workout Buddy: Working out with a partner not only adds accountability but also makes exercising more enjoyable. You can encourage each other, celebrate achievements, and create a sense of healthy competition.
6. Prioritize Rest and Recovery: Rest days are crucial for overall fitness. Allow your body and mind to recover, repair, and recharge. Quality sleep, stretching, and self-care practices like massages or meditation should be part of your routine.
7. Make it a Lifestyle: Shift your perspective from viewing exercise as a chore to seeing it as a lifestyle choice. Incorporate physical activity into daily activities, such as taking the stairs, walking or cycling to nearby destinations, or doing household chores vigorously.
8. Fuel Your Body: A balanced and nutritious diet plays a vital role in maintaining mental and physical health. Prioritize whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, while minimizing processed foods and sugar.
9. Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is vital for optimal physical and mental performance. Keep a water bottle nearby at all times and aim to drink at least eight glasses (64 ounces) of water per day.
10. Practice Mindfulness: Engage in activities that promote mental well-being, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. These practices can help reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall mental health, complementing your physical fitness routine.
Remember, staying on track doesn't mean you have to be perfect every day. Do what works best for you, listen to your body, and make gradual progress towards your overall health goals. Keep these fitness hacks in mind, and you'll be well on your way to maintaining optimal mental and physical well-being.

Alright! Now that you have a different approach you can DO THIS! You’ve got what it takes to keep consistent on your habit of moving your body for the JOY and mental health benefits it will have for you! Think of the older person you’ll become that will be so grateful you did do those two squats ten years ago! She’s proud of where you’ve come from and what you’re going to accomplish. But know that SHE was truly enough all along. You don’t have to get to a place where you are enough. That you have always been!