Libier Reynolds

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3 Ideas + Verses To Help Your Spirits In This Time Of Quarantine

Dressing up these days has not been a priority because we are all undergoing a collective traumatic experience. None of us are too concerned about fashion and outfits that will take us from day-to-night right now, bigger challenges are taking real estate in our hearts and minds. I know if you’re anything like me you have been faced with a lot impacting your life and change can always be tricky! I encourage you that this is hard but you can do hard things! This is a challenge that with God, you will be able to gain something you wouldn’t have otherwise. I know if you’re reading this post you are a fighter! You can and will overcome this season and come out the other side a beautiful butterfly (even if what you feel/look like right now is mushy and caterpillar-y) growth doesn’t always look pretty, to begin with! So you’re in the right spot! You can always finish the story and you always have the ability in your mind to respond however you want to any circumstance in your life.

I pray that you’d find so much strength to do the things that uplift your spirit and keep you motivated to do the very next best and right thing for your life. But ultimately I want you to believe and KNOW that in Christ you are enough. Whatever you decide or not decide to do. You are worthy because Jesus made a way for you to be worthy. If you’re wondering how to know Jesus you can simply ask in prayer to know him better. He is always delighted to show you how. You can tell Jesus that you are done trying to do things on your own and ask him to be the Lord and Savior of your soul! This was the most important decision of my life and I wish the freedom, peace, love, and belonging I feel to everyone!! No matter what, when you accept Jesus into your heart, no matter what you've done or has been done to you, you become a beloved child of God adopted into his family! I know nothing better to share with you in this time of uncertainty than to share my faith in Jesus because I have noticed right now what is truly important to me isn’t an outfit, it’s clinging to Jesus and seeking him for encouragement during this frightening season. When everything else is always bound to change, Jesus ALWAYS stays the same, his love for you can never be shaken nor his peace! Read Isaiah 54:10 He is always available to you to listen to you, heal you, understand you. He gives you unconditional love and grace that your soul has been craving all of your life! Jesus is steadfast love, the rock of our salvation and safety we all crave! That is the main focus of my blog’s “why”; To share my faith because Jesus radically changed my life and I have vowed to him to follow his purpose for my life. I really do believe I was made to be a stark contrast testimony to the power of Christ. I come from such brokenness that to see myself now I can only thank God for the countless miracles he has done in my life and I believe he wants to do miracles in you! He is so gentle he will never force himself into your heart. You are the one who holds the power to allow him in. He is always pursuing you because he loves you so much. I know he will never stop!

3 Ideas To Help Your Spirits In This Time Of Quarantine

1.- MOVE YOUR BODY + GET OUTSIDE Make sure you get enough time outside giving your body exercise! This is the most crucial aspect that will create a feeling of wellbeing and help you curve any anxiety or fear. I promise you that even a 7-minute walk around your backyard, block, or your neighborhood will be life-changing!

2.- GET READY WITH REAL CLOTHES + DO YOUR SKINCARE AND MAKEUP ROUTINE - I want to offer you the thought that even if you’re at home and not doing much. If you have the energy, “get ready”! Don’t allow a virus to tell you who to be. I know for me these past few weeks have been a rollercoaster ride. My emotions are all over the place and sometimes I just want to be in my pajamas all day and I have had days like that where I’ve given myself grace over my “performance”. Other days I’m in the middle. My brain wonders, “Should I give it go today or should I just relax all day long?” Most of the time when my heart is feeling safe and I am clinging on to God’s word, I feel the energy to push myself to workout and to get ready even though I have nowhere to go. And when I do it’s felt so empowering! It’s like I’m finally an emotional adult! Yay! Getting ready has been the normal thing in my life that is in my control right now and that has really boosted my spirits! I don’t know why but getting ready and still deciding on most days to do the little that I can to feel a sense of normalcy has really given me hope.

3.- LISTEN TO MOTIVATING AND FAITH-BASED PODCASTS - Faith comes by hearing the word of God not by listening to the news and getting freaked out. Trust me I’m the queen of wanting to be informed but there’s a fine line between being informed and giving too much info to your brain to just get stuck in fear mode. The more edifying and uplifting content you choose right now, the better! It does make a huge difference!

Beloved friend. You are beloved. You are enough. You are seen. You are lovely. You are everything to God. God rejoices over you with singing. God sees your anxiety. God sees your pain. God sees your victory coming up ahead! Hold on tight. Onward and upward is the trajectory for you here. I know we are in tight quarters. I know life isn’t the same. I know you are wondering if you’ll ever gain momentum again. I know your heart is heavy and there isn’t much good news today. But friend, do not get weary don’t even for a moment think this is the end. Most beautiful beginnings had some form of pruning. Or stopping. Or dying to begin. Whatever has ended in your life, grieve it. Whatever feels so dead inside that you feel like you’re just never going to see yourself smile back at yourself in the mirror again, let God prune those areas of your garden! Can you even look up at yourself when you’re washing your hands? Just in case you forgot. It’s you in there. I want you to remember who you are. You’re still in there, friend. The amazing little girl that you once were is still waiting for you to let her be herself no matter what those other folks are gonna say. Yes, her, remember, her? The one who believed in you and didn’t even care to do things perfectly before they broke you, that one, yes! I believe seasons of waiting are seasons of extreme growth.

3 Verses To Help Your Spirits In This Time Of Quarantine

1.- “I’ll call the unloved and make the BELOVED. In the place where they yelled out, “You’re nobody!” Romans 9:25

2.- “This is my command- Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged because the Lord your God is WITH you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

3.- “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.” Jeremiah 31:3

I have known the word of God to be the tool I need to fight my battles. I memorize it and when I feel down I say it out loud and meditate on it in my head. It has cured me of PTSD and panic attacks and it helps me to feel secure even when everything else is feeling crazy! I pray you to try to memorize even just one of these! I hope they really help you like they have my heart!

The wisdom and treasure hidden for you in this season are worth the momentary pain. Don’t give up on yourself. You have everything you need. I’m rooting for you, friend.

Photography by: Doug Reynolds