Best Winter Coats For Women 2018

I rounded up some of my very best picks and favorite Winter Coats for Women on this post. I hope it helps in case you're on the hunt. Most stores have great deals right now as they are pushing Spring now!  My best selection is down below. 

Here is winter. In the moments when our skin meets the frosty bite of a winter breeze the soul falls in reverence of the season's change. I am so grateful for the opportunity to feel change like this. I love that winter provides an opportunity not only to revisit some things that aren't serving us, but it also gives the opportunity  with a moment to pause.  Moments of a slower pace, cuddling up in the comfort of warmth inside our homes. Winter is so beautiful and yet can also be a place of depression and darkness for some. I am facing some challenges myself in these winter months to stay positive even in hardship. To keep the joy and faith in the face of cold stark moments that can rip the breath from within us. I love that ultimately, God is in control of every moment. And season by season, we can learn from this amazing world that there, in fact, is a season for all things. To be born and to die. To mourn and to rejoice. To dance and to sing and sometimes to be silent. However you are meeting this winter of ours, my prayer for you is that you'd find the joy in it all. That even past the fashionality of winter coats, you would be willing to go bear with your needs as a person. If you need to reach out to a friend to chat because you need someone to listen. Ask for that. If you are feeling a little blue, don't beat yourself up, know it's normal and give yourself some TLC. If you need some time to yourself in the sauna and gym, do that. If you need to dance and sing around in your underwear while blasting the heater at 80 degrees, do that. All of us process death, winter, pruning, silence a little differently, but we all face these moments inevitably. Winter can represent death in certain areas, yet we can rejoice because as God's perfect Will for someone or something to take its last breath,  he can also give it new life in some way. So don't lose heart, my love, for the God who loves you is in your winter moments, being the coziest winter coat you can fathom giving you warmth and comfort for all your needs. 


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